Sunday, June 17, 2007

Bride: Week Three Update

I love my progress chart. I love making check marks when I've accomplished something. I'm keeping up with it very well, so far--and I earned my awesome floral carabiner key chain. If I'm good this week, my reward is trying out false eyelashes. I've read a lot about brides who have had a lot of success with false eyelashes, and I'd like to try them. I have pretty long eyelashes, but they aren't particularly thick. We'll see--if I don't feel comfortable with them for the wedding, maybe they'd still be fun for other occasions.
My progress chart has greater benefits than just my fabulous rewards--I have noticed some physical differences. My friends have also made positive comments. That is amazingly motivating!
So tomorrow morning I will be waking up with Denise and hopefully I'll spend some time with my weights tonight. I graduated from the 5 pound weights to the 7.5 pound....ooh--contain the excitement!

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