Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bar: PT: US History AP DBQ, Anyone

If there aren't enough acronyms in this title, I'll be a bit clearer. The performance tests take me back to my tenth grade U.S. History Advanced Placement class when we had to do Document Based Questions. I can still see Mrs. Shulman (or Mrs. Sharkey? or Mrs. Sharkazy? or Mrs. Schindler? I have no idea. I thought I would never forget things like that!) explaining the DBQ. I enjoyed the DBQ very much. You didn't actually have to know anything! It was all right there for you! Just use the documents and answer the question.

The PTs seem very similar. Just follow the directions. Follow the directions. That was the mantra of Honigsberg, the fab PT lecturer. He encouraged us to write "sheep" answers that would be very boring but very standard. I think I can do standard. I was never one of the "I don't like that question; I'll write my own" kind of people on essays. But I worry that I second guess myself way too much--I like to be "right" so even when there are no right answers, I like to think I found "the one" that is "right," and if I can't decide I get frustrated and waste time.

What's the answer? Practice! Practice! Stop blogging and go practice! We hand in one for grading on Monday, so I'll see how far I have to go. Speaking of which, we should get the results from the Con Law essays we handed in last Monday soon....

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