Sunday, May 6, 2007

Bar: One More to Go!

All that stands between me and my degree is one. more. exam. And not even, really, since I have enough credits as it is. But that's not exactly a good motivational thought, so I'm trying to keep it out of my mind. The weather is just too nice today--sunny and high 70s/low 80s. On this side of the hills, we just usually don't see weather that warm (one thing I miss about living by the Bay--real summer weather).

The exam I have left is also a take-home, which also is not helpful for my motivation. Whenever I have a 24-hour take-home, I know I can look up answers if I need to along the way. This is the one class that I did a good job of keeping up with the reading during the semester, so I think I should be fairly familiar with whatever gets thrown at me. The two in-class exams I had last week were pretty intense and I had put in some grueling studying, and I just can't muster the energy to go through it again.

Plus there's a big box of books sitting behind my desk that is just waiting, Waiting, for me to open it for some Serious Studying this summer. Knowing they're waiting for me is also not helpful.

Okay, BB, get to work.

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