Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bride: Invitations

Lots of people have been asking, "how's the wedding planning going?" Well, it isn't. It's on hiatus. I really have stuff I should be doing--I need to check in with the florist, ask the reception coordinator some questions, and there is about 20 pounds of cardstock waiting to get turned into invitations under my desk. But...I feel like I don't know where to begin. I tell myself, "Once you have your bar study routine down, then you can start back on the Wedding To Do list." But I feel like if I don't start it now and make it part of the routine, I won't get it to fit in at all.

So a goal for myself: by the end of the weekend I will email the florist. Not an ambitious goal, but one I can manage. I actually have been making progress on the invitations. My parents and FI really liked the mock-up, so now I just have to finalize it. The map is pretty set, and I think I finally came up with a "motif" I like and that is unifying without being cheesy.

Oh and terminology. Since this blog has two very different topics and hence no audience, I've struggled with how to refer to the Boy I'm Going to Marry. If it were a strictly wedding blog, he'd be FI, duh, and I wouldn't have to worry about anyone thinking an STD involved a tort. But since it's a Bar blog too....well, tough, the wedding wins out. Mr. BB is going to be FI (until he becomes DH--and I still won't know if I passed!) and I'll say DIY and pocketfold as though normal people knew those words. Normal people don't know who the reasonable person is or what dispositive means either. So I'll still end up appealing to no one, except those few people (read: idiots) like me who thought planning a wedding while studying for the bar would be just fine!

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