Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bride: Waltzing Matilda

As I’ve mentioned previously, FI and I are taking dance lessons. We’re doing an introductory package where you spend one week on a style of dance, and we’ve now learned the (very) basics of Cha Cha, Fox Trot, Nightclub 2-step, and Waltz. I love dancing, and FI seems to be getting much better and more confident. The past two times we haven’t switched partners, and I think that’s helping. The first time we went, we switched, and an old lady yelled at FI b/c he wasn’t doing very well. Poor thing, that made him not ever want to come back. I correct him too, but I do it nicely.

Our first dance song is Wonderful World, which is a Fox Trot. Since I think the introductory package ends next week, we’re going to have to get private lessons for the actual choreography. The first dance is really important to me, and FI has said we can take private lessons in September to get ready. The song is only about two minutes long, so I think we’ll be fine. But I’m really liking the classes—I don’t want to stop! I wonder if I’ll be able to convince FI we should make it a regular thing….


The Grand Poobah said...

Ballroom dancing is great fun but you must practice constantly or the steps leave your mind, and muscle memory, almost as quickly as the Rule Against Perpetuities.

Film Scholar said...

I took square dancing once and it was crazy! I doubt I ever do it again

Anonymous said...

Hello!?!?!? Whatever happened to this blog. I hate how blogs randomly disappear. Could have at least given us a final post. Did you pass the bar?